Ever wondered why some websites hook you from the get-go, while others just don't cut it? It's all in the copywriting. As we step into 2024, the digital world ...
When you’re in a hurry and you need to find the address of a shop in your city, if the website cannot load in a matter of moments, you might abandon the ...
Never put all your eggs in one basket, the old saying goes. Or was it kittens? Regardless, when it comes to content, if it’s all in the same type of media, ...
SaaS has come a long way. Only two decades ago, the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry was a different space completely. Companies asked the question ...
Social media has blown up in recent years and as expected almost, if not all, of the major platforms, have found a way to cash in on the expansion. As the ...
Businesses have evolved with time and that conventional approaches to market it out gets pissed off today. We all are known to the increasing importance of ...
There are about 2.7 billion internet users on social networks, and almost everyone has an account on at least one of the major social networking sites such as ...
The internet is a major part of the everyday life of an average person today, although a lot of adults grew up without it. People get most of ...
A powerful marketing plan is essential for a brand’s success. This is what I’ve learnt over past few years of my marketing, communications and design journey. ...
What Makes User-generated Content (UGC) Relevant to Marketers? The findings of American Marketing Association indicate that ...
Search engine optimization and search engine marketing, as well as social media advertising, are not mutually exclusive. Businesses don’t have to choose ...
When starting a business, most new owners spend little if any time pondering the copy on their website that’s waiting to come to life. With so ...